Friday, December 14, 2012

On Guns, Rights, and Responsibilities

Friday, December 14, 2012 marks a terrible day for our nation. The loss of so many innocents (the majority of which were children) is a tragedy.

I really should stay away from Facebook, because I just keep seeing things that piss me off. The majority of which are people that are blaming anything except anything to do with guns for this incident. And yes, I realize this may be more of a rant than anything, and it might be fueled by emotion. No one reads this blog anyway, so at least maybe it will make me feel a little better.

Let's be clear: I DO NOT want to take away people's guns. I enjoy going to the range and shooting. The big argument is that it is our right to bear arms. With any right comes responsibility. The lack of responsibility required with owning or using a gun is absolutely appalling. In life, when you want to do things, there are steps you need to take. There are licenses or certifications you need to get. Some examples:

  • If you want to purchase a car, you must license it and register it. 
  • If you want to drive a car, you must complete a series of tests to get a license. Once you have a license to operate a motor vehicle, you must also renew that license periodically.
  • I listened to a lecture from a falconer yesterday. You need a license to have a falcon and practice falconry.
  • If you want to drive a bus, you need a special license.
  • In Memphis, you need to purchase a $10 permit to panhandle.
  • Some city require permits for residents to hold a rummage sale. Some cities have limitations on how many rummage sales one person can have in a period of time.
  • Most cities require you to register your dog. We have to purchase new dog tags every year.
This list could go on and on... one obvious thing missing? Owning a gun. Really, all you need is some dough. If you go to a public dealer, you'll need to go through a background check (which, unless you're a felon, you're good). If you go through a private dealer, all you need is the dough.

WTF people? You have to go through more hoops to adopt a dog from a shelter - are you going to spay or neuter the dog? No? No dog adoption. Do you have a fenced in yard? No? No terrier adoption. A lot of shelters do home visits to ensure the dog is in a good home. 

There are public records of many things in a person's life - birth, marriage, death, titles, etc. But no gun registry. Why is that? Because Hitler did it, it's an invasion of privacy, (insert some other stupid reason), etc.

Do I want to take away guns in general? No. However I do think that in order to operate a gun, you should have to pass a gun safety course and get a license (much like learning to drive and getting a drivers license). I think that in order to own a gun, you should be mentally stable (to the best of anyone's knowledge), you should need to have a background check done (regardless of where said gun was purchased), and your gun should be registered with the state. Owning and operating guns should be no different than owning/operating cars. 

I'm all for people having guns - sane, mentally stable people that can pass a background check and don't purchase their guns at Wal-Mart.

<3 M

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