Wednesday, January 9, 2013

On the Crest of a New Wave

I thought I'd just ad a quick blurb, since it's been a few days and I feel like I should write something. This blog had 78 views today - that's crazy! I really didn't think that anyone would ever read anything that I wrote here. Thank-you, if you've checked any of it out.

I feel like I'm on the crest of a new wave in my life. This seems to happen to me periodically, but I think it has usually been for the best. I started the job that I'm at 5 1/2 years ago. Prior to that, I worked for an awful greasy fast food chain - I was an assistant manager there. I was treated poorly, overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated. Due to that kind of treatment, I had a terrible nasty attitude and it made me into a negative person 24/7, not just when I was at work. When I started at the job I'm currently at, I vowed to turn over a new leaf in all aspects of my life, and I have. However, along with being a nicer, friendlier person, I also became a person that was afraid to make waves in all aspects of life. I entirely let people walk all over me. Until yesterday...

Yesterday I hit my tipping point. You can only take so much before you break or you make a change. I opted for the later. It's funny because I've put up with a lot... and one little email was what did it. And I raged and was upset and frustrated yesterday...

But today I woke up ready to change things. Today I woke up ready to take on the world. Today I woke up ready to get shit done. Today I became one of the motherfucking blower uppers (House of Lies reference :) ).

Let's do this.

<3 M

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