Sunday, September 30, 2012

There are A-holes in all Groups of People

By now, most of you have probable heard about the controversy concerning some cheerleaders in the Kountze School District holding up large signs with Bible verses on them for the football team to run through. If not, this article from the Friendly Atheist will get you up to date.

As far as all the atheist arguments about how this doesn't belong in public schools, I fully agree. The use of Bible phrases at a public school event promotes one religion over all religions (or lack of religion), which is not okay. 

This is the picture of the cheerleaders and one of their signs which has been making its rounds on the internet; I've seen it posted in several places. What bothers me the most are the comments that I've seen underneath of it. Of course, there are several Christians posting that they feel they are being persecuted, and how these gals have the right to pray in school. There are plenty of people that simply state they are either for or against this display of devotion and state why. Then there are these kind of comments:
"Maybe those cheerleaders should spend less time in church and more time at the gym."
"Hmmm how ironic... Cheerleaders pretending to be good Christians... We all know what happens after the game." 
"It looks like the red parts are made in period blood." 
 "How many of these girls are having premarital sex? You should worry more about that and being sure all those kids do not spread disease with their sex parties."
We feel that the law concerning separation of church and state should be upheld so we... resort to calling these high school girls fat sluts (who apparently are so stupid and/or disgusting that they use their periods to paint signs)? Come on guys! We have the law on our side, we have the constitution on our side, we do not need to resort to name calling and unproved accusations towards a bunch of teenagers! I'm sure that those cheerleaders, being teenage women, don't have enough self-esteem and body issues without your stupid remarks. Are they wrong for promoting their religion in a public school - yes! Leave it at that! Use your facts, use your reason, cite the law, but do not resort to being a name calling, insulting, sexist a-hole. 

This is my problem with a portion of the atheist movement - they sit there with their reason and knowledge, but they don't do anything. They resort to name calling, and sitting around drinking and complaining about Christians. For me, my Atheism needs to be about something bigger, or else its no better than religion. 

Jamie Kilstein's set at the Reason Rally summed up my views in this area quite well, especially the last 4 minutes or so. 

"Everyone already knows that Pat Robertson's an asshole!"
Do good, don't be a-holes, peace, love... I'm out.

<3 M

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